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Supplier Sustainability Policy


Oct 2021



We at Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse, consider sustainability to be an essential part in all our business operations. To achieve a more sustainable world, Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse has implemented certain governing principles for our suppliers, based on the UN’s Global Compact principles.


Our aim is to ensure that we collaborate with suppliers who share our values regarding sustainability. As a starting point to entering into and maintaining a business relationship with Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse, we expect that our suppliers, as a minimum, to follow our sustainability principles when conducting their own business. All the principles are included in this Supplier Sustainability Policy.






The Supplier Sustainability Policy applies to all suppliers providing products and/or services to any Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse.


Workers/employees are considered to be all people who are working for the supplier, whether directly employed, subcontracted or employed by another agency.


Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse expects the supplier to monitor its own suppliers in order to ensure commitment to environmental and social responsibility.






Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse has a process in place to follow-up compliance of suppliers’ sustainability work. Suppliers may be asked to answer a self assessment questionnaire regarding their social and environmental performance.


Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse, or a third party assigned by Fullstop Brands Ltd t/a Lighthouse, reserves the right to conduct reviews and/or on-site audits of our suppliers to ensure compliance with this Supplier Sustainability Policy. Supplier agrees to cooperate in order to facilitate such reviews or audits.






The supplier shall comply with applicable legislative and regulatory requirements.






  • Suppliers shall work in a systematic, goal oriented and proactive manner to reduce the impact to the environment including pollution prevention and waste minimization.


  • The business must be run in such a way that serious discharges and emissions to the ground, water and air are systematically prevented.




Labor and Human Rights


  • No person shall be employed who is below the minimum legal age for employment. It is forbidden to use children under the minimum legal working age or fifteen (15) years old; whichever is higher, as labor.


  • Employees under eighteen (18) years of age shall not carry out hazardous work.


  • The Supplier shall not engage in or support the use of any form of forced, compulsory or illegal labor.


  • Work must take place on a voluntary basis, and personal documents and possessions must not be confiscated in order to force somebody to work.


  • As a minimum, statutory wages must be paid and applicable working time legislation must be followed.


  • Employees shall be free to form and join, or not to join, trade unions and to bargain collectively. No employee shall be discriminated on grounds of their gender, marital or parental status, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation, age, or disability.




Health & Safety


  • The suppliers shall provide a safe and healthy working environment and take all practicable steps to prevent incidents and injuries.


  • Occupational hazards and injuries shall be documented and necessary measures shall be taken to prevent accidents from reoccurring.


  • The suppliers shall ensure that all employees are provided with necessary instructions, training and personal protective equipment free of charge necessary for facilitating safe work methods.





  • All forms of corruption and bribery are unacceptable.


  • Suppliers should work against corruption and bribery in all its forms, including but not limited to extortion, fraud, money laundering and facilitation payments.

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